
Going Beyond the Firewall.

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Difficulty: Medium


A CTF room based on the old-time survival horror game, Resident Evil. Can you survive until the end?

Task 1: Introduction

Welcome to Biohazard room, a puzzle-style CTF. Collecting the item, solving the puzzle and escaping the nightmare is your top priority. Can you survive until the end?

If you have any question, do not hesitate to DM me on the discord channel.

How many open ports?

First off we start our enumeration with an Nmap scan to discover open ports and services running on our target machine.

Nmap scan result:

we can see we have 3 ports open. Let’s first take a look at the website running on port 80.

What is the team name in operation

Task 2: The Mansion

Collect all necessary items and advanced to the next level. The format of the Item flag:

Item_name{32 character}

Some of the doors are locked. Use the item flag to unlock the door.

Tips: It is better to record down all the information inside a notepad

What is the emblem flag

Taking a look at the page’s source code we can’t find any info there, so we click on the “mansion” link and it takes us to another page

Taking a look at the source code for this page we have some information on another directory named “/diningRoom/”

Navigating to that directory:

Here we have another link, but before clicking on it we can take at this page’s source code for any info:

Yes we do. It’s a base64 code which we can easily decode in our terminal

Taking a look at the site:

we can see another directory “/artRoom/” and a link.

Clicking the link takes us to the first Flag:

Now to click on the link in /dinningRoom/ dir:

navigating to the /artRoom/ directory takes us to this page:

following the link takes us to a page filled with list of directories:

first directory to check is the /barRoom/ since we have already checked the rest

we can submit the flag we got earlier

click on the link:

Identify the code using this

now we can submit the flag and it’ll take us to another page

so we are told to refresh the previous page

They are requesting for the emblem so we submit it: it just says “rebecca” nothing else. Maybe it’ll be usefull later on. Let’s continue.

Navigating to the directory ‘dinningRoom2F’:

Check the source code:

Identify the code using the tool used earlier:

You get the blue gem by pushing the status to the lower floor. The gem is on the diningRoom first floor. Visit sapphire.html

Next up visiting the /galleryRoom/ dir:

click the link:

crest 2:
Hint 1: Crest 2 has been encoded twice
Hint 2: Crest 2 contanis 18 letters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

Going back to the /diningRoom/ dir and entering the gold emblem key, it takes us to another page with a code:

Identify and decode it:

there is a shield key inside the dining room. The html page is called the_great_shield_key

Navigating to the /armourRoom/:

Submit the shield key

nothing in source code so lets visit the link:

we now have the 3rd and 2nd crest. Remains the first and fourth.

crest 3:
Hint 1: Crest 3 has been encoded three times
Hint 2: Crest 3 contanis 19 letters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

Let’s find the 1st and 4th crest and decode them all and combine them.

Going to the /attic/ dir and submitting the shield key:

Nothing in the source code so lets click the link.

crest 4:
Hint 1: Crest 2 has been encoded twice
Hint 2: Crest 2 contanis 17 characters
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

we have the 4th crest, remaining the 1st!!!

Going to the /tigerStatusRoom/ and submitting the blue_jewel we get the final crest:

crest 1:  
Hint 1: Crest 1 has been encoded twice  
Hint 2: Crest 1 contanis 14 letters  
Note: You need to collect all 4 crests, combine and decode to reavel another path  
The combination should be crest 1 + crest 2 + crest 3 + crest 4. Also, the combination is a type of encoded base and you need to decode it

Now to decode them and combine

Crest 1: base64 > base32 > final RlRQIHVzZXI6IG

Crest 2: base32 > base58 > final h1bnRlciwgRlRQIHBh

Crest 3: base64 > binary > HEX > final c3M6IHlvdV9jYW50X2h

Crest 4: base58 > HEX > final pZGVfZm9yZXZlcg==

use dcode for identification and cyberchef for decoding, especially for HEX

Final code: RlRQIHVzZXI6IGh1bnRlciwgRlRQIHBhc3M6IHlvdV9jYW50X2hpZGVfZm9yZXZlcg== (base64)

Decode: FTP user: hunter, FTP pass: you_cant_hide_forever

Now we can login!!!!

Task 3: The guard house

After gaining access to the FTP server, you need to solve another puzzle.

Where is the hidden directory mentioned by Barry

After logging in we can see some file we can download to our local machine to work on. use the command get <filename> to download files

we have 3 images, 1 text file and an encrypted file.

For the images we can extract info from them

First image: steghide extract -sf <image_name>

Second image:

strings <image_name>

Third image: binwalk -e <image_name> unzip <image_name>

combine all 3 codes together: cGxhbnQ0Ml9jYW5fYmVfZGVzdHJveV93aXRoX3Zqb2x0 (base64)

Decode: plant42_can_be_destroy_with_vjolt

Now we can decrypt the gpg file.

Navigating to the /hidden_closet/ dir we can submit the flag:

Task 4: The Revisit

Done with the puzzle? There are places you have explored before but yet to access.

Nothing in the source code but we have 2 links. Let’s check each.

Lets identify and decode:

weasker login password, stars_members_are_my_guinea_pig

Second link:

What is the SSH login username

Next up we visit the /studyRoom/ dir and submit the helmet key:

We now have access to the study room, nothing in the source code so let’s check the link:

we download a compressed file. Let’s take a look

after using gunzip doom.tar.gz we get doom.tar, then we use tar -xvf doom.tar and we get a .txt file that contains the ssh username.

Who the STARS bravo team leader

You can just google search this:

Task 5: Underground laboratory

Time for the final showdown. Can you escape the nightmare?

Where you found Chris After logging in via ssh with the creds we got we can find the answer:

grep iRl 'chris' will find the text chris in all files and folders in our current dir.

Who is the traitor we can also get this answer from the message above

The login password for the traitor

Remember we got the password earlier:

we can login as weasker using his name and the password “stars_members_are_my_guinea_pig”

The name of the ultimate form

The root flag

check for sudo privileges using sudo -l

we can run all commands…..well that was easy. This means we can just spawn a bash shell as root using sudo /bin/bash

and we have the final flag… GGs 🤝

Thanks for reading to the end, Have a nice day!